I needed an attribute to validate the credit card expiration date and couldn’t find any good examples. I have it working now, so others can use it.
Here is the action that does the validation:
class ExpirationDateAttribute : ValidationAttribute { public override bool IsValid(object value) { return Convert.ToDateTime(value).Date >= DateTime.Today.AddDays(DateTime.Today.Day * -1 + 1).Date; } }
In your form model, do the following:
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your expiration month.")] public int ExpireMonth { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your expiration year.")] public int ExpireYear { get; set; } [ExpirationDate(ErrorMessage="Expiration Date cannot be in the past.")] public string ExpirationDate { get { return new DateTime(ExpireYear, ExpireMonth, 1).ToString("MM/yyyy"); }}
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